Part 8: Ninja Gaiden Sigma: Chapter 4

Tairon looks nicer in HD, and it is here we see one of the first of many instances where the developers wanted to eliminate moments of backtracking to speed up progression. Even though the results aren't always as good...

Twin Serpent's Plaza/Military Gate
- Ayane's first Kunai Scroll of the chapter is found next to the starting save point as opposed to on the path to the statue
- There are exploding barrels scattered around the gate to the Military Supply Base
- The fence surrounding the room locked behind the skull door is now a solid wall
- In place of where the first portion of the stone tablet was found is now the Lunar Staff
- The first portion of the stone tablet is now in a chest found down the path leading to the Clock Tower
- When shimming across the rope to the chest with the Lives OTTG, the clock tower will ring.
- At the bottom of the stairs is a ninja corpse carrying the Nunchaku
- There is a save point next to the Lily Door
- The alley containing the Red Door and where the Nunchaku were originally found is removed
- The Black Spider Ninja have an updated design that is in line with the future game's depictions
- The fight with the Black Spider Ninja at the Clock Tower have their own battle theme now
- Muramasa does not give you a ticket for Han's Bar
- The gate right before the door leading to Zarkhan is removed
- There are no longer pillars surrounding the stone circle where more Black Spider Ninja are fought
- Instead of meeting the bouncer, Ryu will face two SAT Commandos on motorcycles
- Defeating this encounter will grant Ryu the Lily Key, as opposed to the start of the next chapter
- Hayashi decided to give Rachel boob physics, and unlike the Dead or Alive series which built itself on that shit I find it way more less appropriate here


SAT Motorcycle
A new addition to Sigma, these enemies are like the more modern version of the Samurai horsemen fought in Chapter 2. Unfortunately, the same strategies do not work exactly here, as they move around the arena very fast in a not circular fashion, and their gun attacks makes it less viable to just stand and peg them with the bow. Using a flying swallow at the right angle is the best chance to get them (or a guilotine throw, which is more risky), and after they're knocked off the bike they revert to being regular SAT commandos. There is also a side car variant of these enemies but they only appear once two chapters from now and are dealt with in pretty much the same way (except that each bike has two commandos instead of one).